Enhanced Health and Safety Measures in response to the Covid-19 outbreak


The health and safety of my clients has always been a significant consideration in the running of my studio.  Existing measures have been updated in accordance with Covid-19 guidance provided by the UK government. Your assistance with these is greatly appreciated.


  • The studio, props, my camera and client toilet facilities will be regularly cleaned: prior to any full session and prior to a day of mini sessions.

  • I will wash my hands thoroughly before each session, make use of hand sanitiser or further hand washing as necessary during the shoot.

  • If I, or anyone in my household, exhibits Covid-19 symptoms I/they will take a LFD test prior to your appointment. If positive, we will reschedule your appointment.

Important precautions for you to be aware of:

  • Upon arrival you will be asked to leave your shoes and coats at the door, and you will be directed to the sink to wash your hands or provided with hand sanitiser.

  • Tissues, a bin and hand sanitiser will be available in the studio so that all sneezes and coughs can be caught and disposed of hygienically, and hands cleaned immediately afterwards.

Please note:

  • If you (or anyone in your household) has had a Covid-19 positive test result, please notify me as soon as possible. Appointments will be re-arranged at no additional cost.

  • If anyone attending the session appears to have a fever, cough or other symptoms of a virus without evidence of a negative lateral flow test, the session will be halted, and all clients will be asked to leave immediately – I regularly have newborn babies and their mummies in my studio as well as those with weakened immune systems so your support with this helps to protect everyone, and is greatly appreciated.

  • If you have any concerns or would like to chat further about booking a session or attending your photoshoot, please email me at lucymckenziephotography@outlook.com or call me on 07863 550676.


This policy was updated on 21st June 2022
