'Have Fun at Work' Day!

When I enquired why my husband never took time off work and how he managed to maintain his chilled out Aussie demeanour despite a very demanding and high-powered job here in the UK, he quoted Winston Churchill (as you do!) who said that ‘if you find a job you love, you’ll never work again’. Despite the evidence before me, I wasn’t entirely sure I believed that this was possible… that is until I decided to turn my lifelong hobby into a career, and launch my own photography company!

Yes, there are parts of the accounting that aren’t entirely thrilling, and sometimes it isn’t always easy to maintain the perfect balance between work and family, but when I am in the studio, my clients and I have so much fun: we blow bubbles, we throw confetti, we tell silly jokes to one another, and in the midst of all the giggles, children often forget that they are in front of a camera at all and my job to capture those smiles, sibling cuddles or tentative first steps, is both a joy and a privilege.

I hope that whether you are doing the fantastic work of parenting or back out in the big wide world, at some point today you manage to have fun (even if it is just to stick your tongue out at the next person you see - child or colleague!) Share your fun in the comments below and let’s see if we can spread some more smiles ;-)